Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Mazel Tov, Janny-J.!

My niece is celebrating her Bat Mitzvah this weekend- won't she be surprised to find these decorating the platters of goodies?

Her favorite colors have always been hot pink and black, so I made these to celebrate tradition in a non-traditional sort of way.  The silver ink and rhinestones add just the right amount of sophistication and bling.  De-constructing the image from the Jewish Celebrations stamp set was really a lot of fun- the more I played with the images, the more ideas I had!  I think no two are alike...

Mazel Tov to you, J-Bird!  I am looking forward to a wonderful celebration of the person you are becoming!

If you would like to see these beauties at your next event, visit my etsy shop

1 comment:

  1. as the father of the Bat Mitzvah girl, I just wanted to thank you for the amazing cupcake/brownie toppers. they were beautiful and looked great on the brownies as well.
    thanks for adding a little zing and flair to the sweet table.
    -Andrew A.
